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Are PR Packages Still Relevant? Here Is All That You Know And Don’t Know About PR Packages:

In times like these, where social media has taken over every other platform, “social media influencers” are walking the earth and selling your products for you. In retrospect, 74% of consumers agree to trust “word of mouth” as a key factor in altering their purchase decisions. For this purpose, PR packages are the #1way to outsell your products.

Thus, it can be said that PR  packages are still 100% relevant.

Pro Tip:

Even though PR packages seem to be that extra little step but they’re just the icing on the cake. This goes a long way in ensuring an exemplary first impression and hooking loyal customers for a lifetime.

So, if, by chance, you feel like you’re wasting time by making PR packages, wait till you reach cloud nine once you’ve read the blog.

What is PR? 

PR stands for Public Relations, which is pretty self-explanatory. However, public relations focus on the relationships between a brand and its public constituents as in prospects. It can be said that PR’s are an ever-green marketing tactic to build brand awareness, showcase products, and intrigue customers. The goal is to shape the public presence of a business.

Are PR and advertising the same thing?

In case you might be asking yourself, NO PR and advertising are not the same things. Firstly, PR’s are used on either social media platforms or through a press release without payment and no autonomy. However, on the other hand, advertising comprises payments that are required to have public space or a part of a website along with controlling what is being posted.

PR Package- What is it?

PR box helps build an online presence for a brand. No wonder they have freebies but are of great value. These packages mainly consist of products sold by the brand, sent to influencers on various social media platforms with no charges to pay. What’s expected from the influencers is to utilize those products and post about them freely. In return, it helps brands reach out to their potential customers.

pr package

Since A first impression acts as a stepping stone to creating a genuine brand image and having a loyal customer base, never mess up.

Thus, Spread the word about your brand or service with an exquisitely made PR box.

Words To The Wise: 

  1. The idea behind sending PR’s is to fully showcase the products understandably.
  2. Each PR is customized as per the liking of the receiver to ensure a kind gesture.
  3. All PR’s must be created with attention to detail.
  4. Ensure a suitable budget for PR Packages without cutting corners.
  5. PR Packages offer the finest return on investment.
  6. An influence sharing their word of mouth for your brand is worth all the efforts to make a carefully made package.

How To Curate A Package That Beats The Rest?

Influencers receive multiple packages per day, and making yours noticed is your part of the job. It has to be compelling enough to be chosen from that load. So if you’re willing to raise your sales to a whopping 200%, here are two cent’s worth for making top-of-the-line PR boxes.

pr packages

  • Use The Right Material

The first and foremost aspect to focus on is to ensure the safety of your products no matter what it is. Thus, you must utilize durable materials that tend to keep the products safe. For instance, materials like card-stock and eco-kraft work best for this. It is so because each of them offers stability and safety of the product by all means.

  • Theme Them:

Your package must depict a clear picture of what you sell. So, to keep it compelling and top-notch, you must theme your PR boxes accordingly. If you’re sending products from your fall collection by chance, you’ll want the packaging to be just like that, breezy and cool. Do you see the combination? That’s how you create a correlation between the two.

  • Customize Every Bit Of The Package:

From the outer box to the inner packing, everything needs to be spot on. Therefore, ad colors, prints, coatings, shimmers, and whatnot on the rigid boxed packaged goods to make them look enthralling.

  • Offer convenience:

Think about it!

Offering convenience to the influencers and customers both works in your best interest. Which, in return, will offer convenience for your brand and a better market value. Also, if your influencer is a first-timer, make sure you’re understanding and kind towards them.

It turns out the ease must be widespread across, and you must be considerate about the influencer’s specifications and working around them.

Comply With The Following

Creating a successful PR package is your brand’s key to success.

  • First Impression

It is, in fact, true that your influencers will firstly notice the package and its packaging. Which is why it is necessary for the custom packaging to stand out. Just like we say, “the first impression is the last” incorporate that into your packaging to make a mark on your first-timers.

Opening a box and gushing over its systematic yet bewitching style is all that you need to hook influencers to your brand.

  • Keep An Eye On The Transit Time

Stay in touch with the influencer and keep them updated about the whereabouts of the anticipated rigid packaging. Also, make sure you cut them some slack and keep room for communication.

  • Offer A Heavenly Unboxing Experience

Social media works on unboxing videos no matter what the product is. Consequently, if you want this to work for you, you ought to put effort into it. Not only will this incorporate a punch of added emotions and enthusiasm, but it will give your brand a better lookout.

  • Hold The Influencers In High Regard

Word of mouth is not overrated at all because it sells your product even better. Therefore, you must acknowledge the efforts of such influencers and know that they work in your best regard. You must also beware of all the means to offer convenience to your influencers so that they are willing to sign a long-term contract.

  • Offer A Promo code

Promo codes are so belittled, but in reality, they’re pretty worthwhile. A promo code validates the influencer’s words and extrinsically motivates your potential customers to be a part of your brand.

A Hand-Written Note Always Transcends: 

pr thnkw

It’s never a bad idea to drop a thank you note in these rigid boxes. Not only will it be in your best interests but also be a kind gesture. Hence, write thankyou notes for each influencer separately, valuing their existence and thanking them for their kind words.





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